We began the concepts of the Ruddy Duck brand on a chilly overcast afternoon on a patch of ground that had been marked out for the foundation of Southern Maryland’s first craft brewery, the Ruddy Duck. As I walked the site with Carlos and he described his vision, the ideas first began to form. Since then, the Ruddy Duck Brewery & Grille has established itself as one of the most popular eateries and destinations in Southern Maryland

The brand imaging is designed to evoke warmth and a friendly atmosphere, and to accent the bright blue of the duck’s bill. Along with the main logo, an entire cast of cartoon characters were created as the “Ruddy gang” led by “Rudy”. These characters have been used in advertising campaigns, customer giveaways, a mascot costume, and are painted on the walls throughout the restaurant.

The Ruddy Gang

Along with the logo and signage, the Ruddy Duck wanted to create a set of characters to enhance the brand. We created a group of 8 cartoon ducks, complete with personalities and back stories to be used in a variety of ways in the restaurant. They are painted all over the walls, have been used in kids coloring books, and have been transformed into a full size wearable mascot costume.

Rudy Duck is the leader of the flock. He’s a charismatic free spirit, with  a zest for life that is irresistible.  Rudy’s a charmer with a natural sense of humor.

Ricky is the prankster of the group, a real cut-up. He is quick witted and fast with the one-liners and always has everyone around him doubled over with laughter.

On first look, she would not seem to be the adventurer she is, but in reality nothing makes her happier than skydiving, rock climbing, on bungy jumping. 

Rico is the ladies man of the group. Always ready with a smooth word and a sly wink, Rico is forever on the prowl.

Rupert is the intellectual of the group.  Rupert’s got a piece of paper from just about every college there is.

 Rosey’s a gentle rebel at heart, and prefers the open road with the wind whistling in his feathers. 

 An adventurer at heart, Roger never met a challenge he didn’t like. Climbing mountains, deep sea diving, flying fighter jets well past the speed of sound, Roger does it all.

Rita is sassy, smart and very much the flirt. She’s quick with a smile and enjoys a good laugh in the company of her friends. Rita is very independent, and lives life with a zeal few can match.

Ruddy Sports

As the brewery grew into a local favorite it sponsored sports teams, and mascot images of Rudy playing the games were designed for promotional materials.


